Do you know that there may be 12 company crushing killers roaming loose inside
your business right now! It’s true!
We call them the Deadly Dozen and it doesn’t matter if you’ve been doing
business for 5, 10, 20, 30 years or more, and have been getting what most people
would consider pretty good results—I’m here to tell you that these CULPRITS are
costing you a lot of money in lost opportunity and lost business.
The Deadly Dozen is a 12 part business insight series.
In this “Insight Series” every day we will be sharing one of the company crushing
killers we have identified and then will provide a simple solution for ridding the
culprit from your business. If at any time you decide you don’t want to wait and
would like to access the entire series all at once you can just click this link
COMPANY KILLER # 8 - Non-Standardized Sales Presentations
Most salespeople love to “wing it” and do it their way. However, a critical component of selling is indoctrination - educating your prospects on what your company is all about and what makes it stand out. This step is often overlooked or left up to the salesperson during their initial – and sometimes only - sales pitch.
An improperly presented indoctrination inhibits complete understanding of the benefits of your product, impedes trust in your company and may prevent a prospect ever becoming a customer.
But sales reps are human, so presentations can vary. And so can your critical message. And since they’re not identical, you really have no way to determine exactly what is working and what isn’t, which makes tweaking presentations risky.
Inconsistent or improperly delivered messages can lead to missed opportunities or misunderstandings, and ultimately to missed sales. And without some degree of standardization, you have no way to measure the effectiveness of individual components of a presentation – and no way to improve it.
A uniformly consistent demo experience is your best defense against this enemy.
Delivering a carefully crafted demonstration that incorporates video to each prospect ensures they have all the information they need to make faster, more confident purchase decisions. It ensures your message is delivered properly every time, so you know nothing has been left out or overlooked.
Client-centric videos deliver a conversion rate, four to five times higher than the typical conversion rate. Since video goes into more detail and engages your prospect with specific information, it has a directed impact that a more generalized presentation lacks.
An automated method of delivery leads prospects through the entire buying experience, from the moment they first find you to the moment they sign on the dotted line.
Every salesperson should use the strategized process every time, but a standardized process does not mean a standardized sales team. Preparing a presentation will take much less time, offering the opportunity to incorporate your team’s best ideas and innovations into the process. The results of these innovations will then be quantifiable and measurable, so your process can be continually refined and improved – across the board.
So if you thought this insight was helpful and would like to learn more and see how
it is actually part of an overall Done-For-You marketing system called
a CyberFunnel . . . just CLICK BELOW to watch a short 5 minute video to learn more.
Otherwise be on the lookout for the next company crushing killer tomorrow.