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  • Diacom


Updated: Aug 26, 2019

There are 8 critical components that have to work together efficiently as a single system in order for your business to acquire new customers predictably and consistently.

If any of these components are missing or are not optimized correctly it will create friction in your buying process and reduce conversion efficiency.

The CyberFunnels™ team consist of experts across all the above disciplines to ensure that your customer acquisition process operates likes a finely-tuned, high-performance machines.


Strategic is the plan you have by entering the marketplace. What you’re going to do before you actually do it. It the idea or strategy behind your business and that’s exactly what our team will build for your company.

It’s what you say, how you say it and who you say it to. It’s not designing an ad, it’s the purpose of the ad. The purpose dictates the content and the message. The design is just there to compliment the purpose and the message.

Most businesses don’t have a formal marketing strategy and simply use a bunch of tactics. When people think of marketing they think of tactical marketing. 100% of MSP’s (Media Sales People) specialize in tactical marketing and usually don’t have a clue about strategic marketing.

Tactical marketing is the implementation of and execution of your strategic plan. It’s doing the strategy which includes purchasing advertising through various mediums.

It’s difficult to make much of an impact with tactical marketing alone. The real growth and profits are made in strategic marketing. That’s the domain of real powerhouse companies who dominate. The right strategy will destroy a thousand tactics every time.

Everything begins with your sales flow blueprint! It’s the framework and chassis for your entire customer buying cycle. This is the structure and flow for your company's entire customer on-boarding process. Not only does it represent the exact process that a prospect will take to become your customer, it also incorporates contingencies if they don’t immediately buy or get to the next milestone in the process.

Our campaign blueprints incorporate proven campaign strategies such as; Lead Magnets, Tripwires, Splintering and Surprise Bonuses to ensure that your customer’s experience is pleasant and as stress-free possible. Our team knows what works and what doesn’t. You don’t need to reinvent the wheel.


So if you would like to learn more about a Done-For-You transformational marketing and sales system called a CyberFunnel. . . just CLICK BELOW to watch a short 5 minute video. Afterwards you can book a 15-minute consult with one of our team to answer any questions you may have.

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