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In this “Insight Series” every day we will be sharing one of these 19 different techniques. If at any time you decide you don’t want to wait and would like to access the entire series all at once you can just click this link


#12 MCT - Mass Conversion Technique

MCT is a proven strategy that uses Pre-framing and Indoctrination together as an effective Conversion technique.

Pre-framing is what a prospect thinks about you before they have an opportunity to do business with you. You can demonstrate your authority by offering information (usually an eBook) you have authored on the topic (we handle this for our clients by ghostwriting eBooks).

Next, you will want to create goodwill, trust and desire for doing business with you by providing the prospect RIA (Results In Advance). This is sharing valuable knowledge and insight for free on a topic that the prospect has demonstrated that they have an interest in.

This tactic models the natural pattern of how human relationships are developed. Imagine a mechanic that doesn’t just say you need a new transmission and charge you for a consultation.

Instead, they actually break down the specifics of what happened to your old transmission, the benefits of getting it replaced, and why it may cost as much as it does and they do so in a neat platform so that the information is readily available for you when you’re ready to read it.

Indoctrination is the process by which you educate your prospect while simultaneously generating an elevated emotional state and provide them empirical data that will help them rationalize and defend doing business with your company. Visual cues help to create that emotional state, which brings them to a point where verifiable information is better received. While it’s something they can look up on their own, by hitting those emotional points, they’re going to be inclined to trust you in the moment.

When both of these techniques are used together successfully it leads to an outcome known as Mass Conversion.

Next, I’m going to share the two correlating simultaneous processes that occur during the customer acquisition process in a CyberFunnels campaign.

When both processes are position and executed properly, it creates an ideal condition for the person to make a decision about your product or service. These processes also lead to further establishing your brand’s positioning, the building of goodwill and the overall boost of your company’s value in the marketplace. The result – more customers for you!

The first process has three segments that include; pre-framing, indoctrination and conversion.

Pre-framing is what people think about you before they enter your system or your CyberFunnels campaign. They are excited about finding you and your offer, expecting your offer to be amazing and they won’t necessarily be worried about price. Right now they’re more interested to find out if your product or service is a good fit for their needs and how long it will take them to achieve their desired results or to solve their problem.

It creates the type of anticipation in your market for your visitors and want them to think you’re awesome before they ever opt in to your funnel! But for now, let’s move on to the second segment called Indoctrination.

Indoctrination is what happens after they’ve opted in or shared their contact information with you. This is where you begin demonstrating that you can help them by ACTUALLY HELPING THEM!

When you help them, when you are client-focused, you help them decide to give you some money. CyberFunnels campaigns use our Pitch Perfect videos to do this with the most impact because, at some point, your warm lead is going to have to learn more about your product or service and understand the benefits before they become a highly qualified prospect.

Remember how we mentioned earlier that true benefit comes from actually helping them? This is what that concept is all about. As they begin to see the value in your communications, which will be about them and about meeting their needs, they will start building goodwill toward your company. So, you have to be certain that your automated follow ups are valuable and continue to move a prospect toward making a decision.

The third segment, Conversion, simply means that you are converting highly qualified prospects into customers. This can be done completely online as part of your automated process, in person doing a one on one consultation or any combination of other methods.

What’s interesting is that most of your competitors are laser focused on conversion...getting them to sign on the dotted line...while they ignore the other two crucial segments. Skip the first two and what do you get? You get a sales team that’s desperately working to convince unqualified and uneducated prospects to buy whatever they’re selling...with poor results.

Chasing unqualified leads results in lost opportunities and an exhausted sales team that will be ready to move on to their next opportunity sooner rather than later.

These processes work in harmony as a cohesive system while it establishes your company and your brand position in the market to generate goodwill, trust, desire and finally...customers.

The second process also have three segments that include; desire and trust, emotion and rationalization. These together naturally lead to more customer acquisitions.

This is the psychological mechanics that happen in the brain which must occur in order to secure a sale...regardless of what you’re selling. Think about it! If there is desire, trust and even an emotional bond about wanting to buy your product or service – but they can’t rationalize the decision – they likely won’t buy!

For instance, a lot of people may desire a Lamborghini. They trust that it’s an awesome vehicle and even get emotional at the thoughts of driving one. But...they can’t rationalize spending a half-million dollars on a car...even if they have the money to do it. In the end, no matter how emotional they are, the sale isn’t going to happen.

One must always consider buyer’s remorse as well! If a decision is overly emotional, and those emotions wear off after a short time, what’s the result? Buyer’s remorse...they begin second guessing their decision instead of defending it. This is the foundation for an unhappy, overly difficult customer who you will likely never be able to satisfy because they feel foolish for making an emotional decision.

You must have all of these things in order for a conversion to happen and make a sale where the customer defends the decision to themselves and their family, friends and co-workers.

Your campaigns should include these processes to work automatically towards creating the most ideal conditions for your prospects to become your customers. What would happen to your client base if all of this was working for you today?


The purpose of this content is to provide businesses various tools and resources that can help them address challenges that their company may currently be facing. These tools and resources cover many topics related to driving new growth and getting a company to the next level. So if you thought this insight was helpful and would like to learn more about how it can be incorporated and used as part of an overall Done-For-You marketing system called a

CyberFunnel. . . just click here below.

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