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Activators are powerful components to make your campaigns unique and effective.
I’ll warn you though, there’ll be some new terms that I’ll be presenting that are big and technical, but I promise that I’ll make these terms easy for everyone to understand and relate to! I want to be certain you understand these words and concepts as they are extremely important to your ongoing pay attention! I guarantee it’ll be worth it for you!
Let’s begin with a little science...neuroscience to be exact...behind the reasons why humans behave the way they do and why they pay attention to some ads and completely ignore others.
You see, humans will behave very predictably if you understand how their mind and senses operate...and that comes from an understanding of what is called the Reticular Activating System ...or RAS for short.
The Reticular Activating System is basically a part of your brain that controls certain functions of consciousness. There’s actually a part of your brain that filters out what’s unimportant so you can focus on what’s important. As you can imagine, this is so important that you want to make every one of your prospect’s RAS your best friend!
The way I like to describe the RAS is that it is like an invisible antenna that sticks out of the top of your head. It controls the rhythm of your brain being in either an alpha or beta state.
Alpha rhythm is the state that I like to refer to as “auto-pilot.” It’s when you’re not really paying attention to anything’re sort of daydreaming. Alpha rhythm is the reason why you can be talking on your cellphone while driving but still arrive at your destination. Have you ever done that and wondered “ did I get here?” That’s a perfect example of the auto-pilot Alpha state.
Beta rhythms are more focused. This is when you’re zeroed in and focusing on something intently and you’re in the zone. Have you ever watched the end of a sporting event for a team you’re really rooting for then realize that 45 minutes has passed?
Have you ever played a game...a board game or perhaps lining up a shot on the pool table...and others are telling you to hurry up? You’re focused, you’re concentrating...and that’s beta rhythm.
So what does that all have to do with marketing? Simple! Your antenna is constantly looking for “activators,” things that will switch your brain back and forth between auto pilot and focus mode. This is happening to you 24 hours a day. Yes...even while you sleep!
There are only 3 types of activators:
1.Things that are Familiar.
2. Things that are Unusual.
3.Things that are Problematic.
An example of something that is Familiar is your name. Suppose you’re waiting at an airport to board a plane.Your brain is probably in alpha rhythm...but someone behind you shouts your name. You snap from alpha to beta because you’re now focused on who called your name!
You become focused and turn around to see what’s happening. In this case, someone was shouting for someone else with the same name and you’ve just had what’s called a false-beta activator...but nonetheless, you’ve responded accordingly.
This is actually the same thing that happens with an advertiser uses a familiar celebrity spokesperson. A lot of people believe celebrities are used to lend credibility to a product or service, which to an extent is true. But the true purpose is to use someone familiar to cut through the clutter and create focus. You’re much more likely to pay attention to someone you know than a stranger, right?
Next would be an example of things that are Unusual ...a talking lizard selling insurance, a polar bear wearing sunglasses drinking a can of soda, a duck yelling insurance names at you...this list goes on. These get your attention, and it’s not by accident. Are you beginning to figure out the tricks of the big advertising agencies?They know something you don’t...but you’re beginning to learn!
The third example and type of activator includes things that are Problematic. Thing such as bad news, watching an intense moving not realizing you’re inching your way forward in the seat...those are examples of problematic activators that get your attention.
Now, think about what this means in terms of marketing.Your prospects might see or hear your ad with their eyes and ears, but without an activator it’s unlikely that they will pay attention to it!
Think about the many forms of media that exist: print, TV, internet, phones... the vast majority of ads get lost since they’re only seen on the alpha level. And now you know, on the alpha level your brain isn’t really paying attention to it! See how it all ties together?
So, what did we learn here? We’ve learned about your reticular activating system and how your brain waves must capture the attention of your RAS so you snap out of your alpha state and into a state of focus.
You learned that you can accomplish this through the use of activators that are either
Familiar, Unusual or Problematic which increases the chances of absorbing the message.
You must engage with a prospect, but to do that you must understand how the prospect’s mind works and what things will trigger certain behaviors that lead them to focus and take action.
We use activators repeatedly throughout every CyberFunnel system.
The purpose of this content is to provide businesses various tools and resources that can help them address challenges that their company may currently be facing. These tools and resources cover many topics related to driving new growth and getting a company to the next level. So if you thought this insight was helpful and would like to learn more about how it can be incorporated and used as part of an overall Done-For-You marketing system called a
CyberFunnel. . . just click here below.